Nitrogen tank of the separate circuit for the disc and rank compression.

The hand pump regulates the oil pressure in the rank and disc control hydraulic system.

Pressure control equipment in the rank and disc hydraulic system.

Shank with interchangeable duck-foot shares.

Stainless steel swivelling pipe.

Shredding distributor with hydraulic motor.

With direct injecting system you can spread slurry in the fields without air contact (smell). Recommended in hard soil. This is a good solution for high capacity to spread (up 5000 lt/ min).
This equipment is available with a width from 2,5 to 7m wide and with 7 or 13 direct injectors. A distributor driven by a hydraulic motor controls the product outlet flow. The tractors, necesary to haul this equipment, should have powers from 140 to 220 HP (according to injectors and hard type). It is equipped with a special rotary arm for the flat hose coupling that prevents any hose bending during tractor moving.

This is a special spreader with 5 direct injectors 2.5 m wide. The injector feeding is controlled by the hydraulic distributor. The shanks and blade disks are controled by hydraulic system. Tractor required from 140 to 180 HP (for 5 injectors type and hard soil). It is equipped with a special flat hose turning holder that prevents hose to bend during tractor moves.
Any further detail you may need, please do not hesitate to contact us