The use of DODA GREEN BEDDING screw separators allows to extract from liquid manures of zoo-technical origin the included fibers in order to re-employ them to build the animal beddings.
The company employing DODA GREEN BEDDING system will have ECONOMICAL, ECOLOGICAL advantages and HEALTH and WELLNESS for its own farm.
- It will no longer be necessary buying straw, sawdust or other products needed to realize the beddings
- Beddings availability more than necessary
- Mastitis reduction with milk production increase
- Greater comfort for the animal that lies down pleasantly and remains squatting on a very dry and soft material which has been produced by DODA GREEN – BEDDING system
- Greater cleaning of the cows breast and increasing of the average life
- Reduction of the dry substance volume which has to be sent to the storage
- Much less dust dispersed in the environment than that contained in the straw/sawdust
- Increase of containment power of storage tanks
- Phosphor reduction in the remaining liquid from the process
- Contribution for the reduction of CO2 release in the atmosphere.